The selected rope is smaller than necessary, please only use, if you know what you are doing
The selected coupling is smaller than necessary, please only use, if you know what you are doing
Warning: The selected coupling is too big, only select it if you know what you are doing!
The feather key diameter must be between {0} and {1}. If you have a different diameter please change the coupling size.
Link: Coupling
Changes on this page will not be saved!
The feather key length must not be greather than {0}.
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THOR Knowledge Engineering

Hoisting drum




Free online trial

Automated engineering of hoisting drums

Manufacturing drawings in 10 minutes.
hoisting drum

How It Works

01 | Specify data online

Enter the main parameters of your crane or lifting device into the calculation field; select the subsupplier for the main equipment components, such as the drum coupling, rope or bearing; and specify the right design for the components.

02 | Check preview drawings

After entering your data, you will receive a preview draft of the hoisting drum after which you can check the connecting dimensions and verify the design.

03 | Download documents

If the design does not meet your requirements, you can always go back and adapt it according to your specifications. When you are satisfied with the results, you can then purchase the manufacturing drawings together with additional information.
Optional ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

04 | Manufacturing

Ask for a free quotation by Primetals Technologies for the manufacturing and worldwide delivery of your hoisting drum.

What you get

Detail drawings
Detail drawing
Welding drawings
Welding drawing
Bill Of Material
Bill Of Material
Sub-supplier drawings
Subsupplier Data
Calculation report
Calculation Report
Sub-supplier Catalogues
Subsupplier Catalogues


Engineering for
Tender for six overhead cranes for
Engineering and manufacturing for
Engineering for
Engineering for
Engineering for

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